Mel Loxley of Birkett Long LLP blogs here about why collaborative law is a better way to resolve disputes in divorces. 
A better way .... 
I have recently completed my training to be a Collaborative lawyer and I have to say it has shown me that there really IS a better way to deal with the breakdown of a relationship than the approach that we family lawyers have traditionally taken. 
I have been a member of Resolution for years and whole heartedly endorse and adopt their values of dealing with family legal issues in an amicable, respectful and cooperative way. 
The Collaborative approach however takes this a massive step further - it ensures that the couple themselves guide the process of how to resolve the issues they face, in a way that suits their family best. The pace of the process, the matters they wish to discuss and ultimately the agreements they reach, are all firmly in the hands of the couple. 
The key discussions all take place in a safe and professional environment, at meetings attended by the couple and both of their Collaborative lawyers. The lawyers support the couple through the process and furnish them with the information and resources they need to reach that agreement. 
The Collaborative approach turns the focus from what the couple want to achieve for themselves individually, to what they want the future to look like for their whole family; not just themselves but also their partner and most importantly, their children. 
For those couples who feel that preserving a positive relationship with one another is crucial and for those who have children and remain committed to being the best parents they can be, notwithstanding the breakdown of their romantic relationship with one another, then I really can’t think of a better way to do it. 
Mel Loxley 
Birkett Long LLP 
June 2019 
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