New collaborative participation agreements
Posted on 27th June 2021 at 08:45
Participation Agreements, which are the document that the parties and their legal representatives sign at the outset of a collaborative case to reflect their understanding and commitment to the process, have been updated by the Collaborative Working Group to include provision for the parties, where they so wish, to agree to instruct an Arbitrator in the event of them facing an impasse during the negotiations.
This is an exciting development as it gives collaborative lawyers yet another tool to ensure that the collaborative process succeeds. Involvement of other third parties in the collaborative process is already well established, and these can include a Financial Neutral, Counsellor or Mediator or such other specialists as the parties may need. Such professionals can be of great benefit to collaborative cases and maximise the chances of resolving matters outside of a formal court setting.
Why not contact one of our Collaborative Lawyers if you feel you would like to deal with your separation collaboratively?
Further information about the Collaborative process can be found at
Mel Loxley
April 2021
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